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Friday, June 26, 2015

Writing Simplified: How and When to Use Parentheses

Writing Simplified: How and When to Use Parentheses: Parentheses are most commonly seen these days as the lower half of emoticons. They're good for much more than just being the smile in...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Active and passive voice worksheet

Find out the verbs in the following sentences and state whether they are in the active voice or passive voice.

1. The boy killed the spider.

2. This house was built by my grandfather.

3. The boy was bitten by a snake.

4. The loud noise frightened the cows.

5. His command was promptly obeyed.

6. All the milk was drunk by the cat.

7. She opened the door.

8. A stone struck me on the head.

9. I have just posted the letter.

10. The minister inaugurated the exhibition.


1. Verb – killed; active voice

2. verb – was built; passive voice

3. Verb – was bitten; passive voice

4. Verb – frightened; active voice

5. Verb – was obeyed; passive voice

6. Verb – was drunk; passive voice

7. Verb – opened; active voice

8. Verb – struck; active voice

9. Verb – have posted; active voice

10. Verb – inaugurated; active voice

Read more at http://www.englishpractice.com/writing/active-passive-voice-worksheets/#qmjlwBqOTXJ3LpCE.99

Active and passive voice worksheet

Test your knowledge of active and passive voice with this grammar exercise. Each sentence given below is in the active voice. Change it into passive voice.
1. He sings a song.
2. The boy killed the spider.
3. Help him.
4. Farmers sow maize in the rainy season.
5. Are you writing a letter?
6. The workers were digging a canal.
7. I will finish the job by the end of this week.
8. Have you finished your job?
9. They have informed him of his mother’s death.
10. They took all the necessary precautions.
1. A song is sung by him. (Active verb – sings; passive verb – is sung)
2. The spider was killed by the boy. (Active verb – killed; passive verb – was killed)
3. Let him be helped. (Imperative sentences in the passive voice begin with let.)
4. Maize is sown in the rainy season. (Active verb – sow; passive verb – is/are sown)
5. Is a letter being written by you? (Active verb – is/are writing; passive verb – is/are being written)
6. A canal was being dug by the workers. (Active verb – was/were digging; passive verb – was/were being dug)
7. The job will be finished (by me) by the end of this week. (Active verb – will finish; passive verb –will be finished)
8. Has your job been finished by you? (Active verb – has/have finished; passive verb – has/have been finished)
9. He has been informed of his mother’s death. (Active verb – has/have informed; passive verb – has/have been informed)
10. All the necessary precautions were taken by them. (Active verb – took; passive verb – was/were taken)

Types of Conjunctions: Coordinate Conjunctions, Subordinate Conjunctions, and Correlative Conjunctions

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Kinds of Conjunctions

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

HOW TO WRITE - When the verb has two objects

When the verb has two objects

Many verbs can be followed by two objects – a direct object and an indirect object. Common verbs that can take two objects are: give, take, lent, buy, bring, fetch, get etc.
The indirect object usually refers to a person. The direct object usually refers to a thing.
Two patterns are possible.

1. Subject + verb + indirect object + direct object

This pattern is preferred when the indirect object is a pronoun or when it is shorter than the direct object.
Examples are given below.
  • I lent him (indirect object) my camera (direct object).
  • She brought me (indirect object) a cup of tea (direct object).
  • The teacher gave us (indirect object) some advice (direct object).
  • I have given him (indirect object) his money (direct object).
  • You must tell him (indirect object) the truth (direct object).
  • My father bought me (indirect object) a nice laptop (direct object).

Subject + verb + direct object + preposition + indirect object

Note that when the direct object comes before the indirect object, we have to use the preposition ‘to’ or ‘for’ between the direct object and the indirect object.
This pattern is preferred when the indirect object is longer than the direct object.
Examples are given below.
  • I lent my camera (direct object) to a friend of mine. (indirect object)
  • She made tea (direct object) for her guests (indirect object) .
  • The teacher gave some advice (direct object) to her students(indirect object).
  • I have given his money (direct object) to him (indirect object) .
  • You must tell the truth (direct object) to the police (indirect object) .
  • My father bought a nice laptop (direct object) for me (indirect object) .

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Class Practice: Occupations Vocabulary

Class Practice: Occupations Vocabulary

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Thursday, February 5, 2015